The Focus Tool Used By Executives

In today’s fast-paced digital work environment, staying focused is harder than ever. Endless meetings, constant notifications, and digital overload drain our ability to concentrate and think creatively.

Stimagz can address this by providing a simple, tactile outlet to stay grounded, improve focus, and reduce anxiety. This approach is backed by science, and we are confident that it works.

Don't believe us? Take a look at the data!

91% Of Surveyed Employees Find Stimagz Improve Their Focus At Work

98% Of Surveyed Customers Find Stimagz Reduce Anxiety

100% Of Surveyed Employees Feel Stimagz Contribute To A Positive Team Culture

What Makes Stimagz Good For The Workplace?

Whether you’re looking to enhance benefits and wellness programs, offer unique employee gifts, or stock focus tools in your workplace, Stimagz have you covered.

Quiet & Professional

Designed for discretion, Series II Stimagz feature a soft rubberized outer shell and muted color palette, making them ideal for maintaining focus without calling unwanted attention to yourself or distracting others.

Light and Portable

With a compact and ergonomic design, Series II Stimagz fit effortlessly in any pocket - ensuring they're ready when you need them.

Backed By Science

Stimagz harness the power of pattern-based activities which increase blood flow to the prefrontal cortex. This anchors your mind to the task at hand, allowing you to focus better in any environment.

Organizations That Run On Stimagz

"Stimagz have quickly become essential for me and my team at Nerd Ninjas.. I gifted a set to each employee, and the feedback has been fantastic! Stimagz help us stay grounded, boost efficiency, and add a touch of fun to our daily work."

— Nate ChatellierCEO @ Dice Throne & Nerd Ninjas

"I spend a lot of time in court and in mediation rooms. In these settings, fidgeting with your phone is not an option. Stimagz have been a god-send for not just myself, but my clients as well. These truly keep us focused and calm."

— Catherine CreightonCEO @ MediateNOW

"Stimagz are a critical addition to my teams' workflow. Whether it's meetings, product demos, or just trying to think through a problem as a team, Stimagz are always in our hands."

— Graham SabinCo-Founder @ Platter

Ready To Take Your Organization To The Next Level?

We offer custom solutions for businesses interested in gifting Stimagz to their employees and clients. Reach out to discuss bulk pricing, custom orders in your company colors, and tailored solutions that fit your needs.